Medium’s 100 Follower Policy

Micky Kayn
2 min readMar 4, 2022


On February 15th, I received an email from Medium notifying me I’d be removed from the Medium Partner Program for having less than 100 followers. I was grandfathered in for a while, but this notice gave me 15 days to comply. I did not.

I’ve politely sent my $5 check each month for close to 5 years. The Medium Staff has made many changes over those 5 years. Many for the better. While I understand the business need for this change, I feel a little betrayed and unappreciated.

I didn’t make all that much money from the program. This isn’t going to prevent any food from reaching my table. I wasn’t trying to build a following or make a lucrative side hustle. I just wanted to share some thoughts with the world and see what transpired.

I use Medium predominantly for curated reading. I’m generally good for reading a couple stories a day. Most of the time, they come from my daily digest email. Sean Kernan and Tim Denning seem to find their way into my inbox fairly often. Early on, a story about a grandfather by Dan Moore caught and held my attention with the platform. I’ve found Daniel Williams, who makes me laugh with his stories and illustrations. Gammons Thome has been a sane voice of classic baseball thinking in the midst of a horrifying lockout.

In all, I only follow 67 people, and some of them are extinct at this point. That number has moved up very slowly. I’ve found that being ultra-selective has kept my recommendations more relevant. I could follow a bunch of people in hopes they’d follow me back. Instead, it is probably time for me to go extinct as well.



Micky Kayn

Data and tech entrepreneur. Connoisseur of life, nature, and logic.